I'm in! Thanks to foothillsofthegreatsmokymountains' nudge to join, I'm giving this a try. Sounds like a hoot. Here's how it works, as far as I can tell:
A "baton" is passed through the a team of 10 knitters. Each box has a finished dish rag, a ball of dish rag cotton, instructions, the Official Dish Rag Tag Pattern and a small treat. Upon receipt of the "baton", the recipient knits a new dish rag using the yarn in the box and the Official Pattern. When the new dish rag is done, it is sent with a new ball of yarn, the pattern and a treat to the next team member. The first box to make it through all team members and return "home" is the winner.
This whole thing is organized by yarnmiracle. Visit her site for some really cute patterns.
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